Saturday, 1 November 2008

The Countries of Dark Rivers

The world of 'Dark Rivers' is an Earth with a slightly different history, and as such the countries we know and love are slightly different as well. Here's the lowdown:

The Countries of Dark Rivers

Anglo-Celtica (equiv. Great Britain)
Capital/s: When (Anglica) and Tara (Hibernia)
Religion: Lutheran Christianity
Main Economy: Agrarian Farming, Hydroponics

A small landmass outside Europe containing the united republics of Cornwall, Scotland, Hibernia, Cymru and Anglica. It is run by the Parliaments, with the ultimate authority being the First Minister, currently a man called Peter Enoch. Anglo-Celtica belongs to the UN.

URPNH or The United Royal Principalities of New Holland (equiv. USA)
Capital: New Amsterdam
Religion: Varied (Lutheran Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Voodoo)
Main Economy: Cattle farming, milk, confectionary

One of the largest countries on the globe and a world leader in confection due to its monopoly on the Cocoa plant and Cane Sugar. Perpetually threatening to break with the UN, despite being a founding nation.

Mercia, Florenti, ISE or Independent States of Espanola (equiv. France, Italy, Spain)
Countries of Europe. Mainly united under the Lutheran Church, despite the city state of the Vatican in Florenti maintaining its own church. They and others are members of the UN and ascribed to NADA (the North Atlantic Defence Agreement).

Prussia (equiv. Germany)
Capital: Lutherstadt
Religion: Lutheran Christianity
Main Economy: Iron, Steel, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals

The religious centre of Europe thanks to the great German Hero Martin Luther. The Church has its main base in the Capital, a dour and imposing building called Gotthaus.

Hindiland (equiv. India)
Capital: New Delhi
Religion: Hindu, Jainism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity (plus many smaller ones)
Main Economy: Spices, cloth and unrefined Vegetable Oils (plus many others)

A huge country, controlled and exploited by several European nations during the 18th and 19th century, it regained its independence in 1912.

Capital: Amsterdam
Religion: Lutheran Christianity
Main Economy: Logging, Farming, Cloth

Small country in Europe who (theoretically) maintain governance over the much larger United Royal Principalities of New Holland. In reality, although the Royal Family still make decrees and the Parliament make laws for New Holland, the Principalities have enough autonomy to ignore these as they see fit.

Persia (equiv. Iran and Iraq)
Capital: Cyrhan
Religion: Islam, Zoroastrianism, Ba’hai
Main Economy: Cloth, Architecture

A country steeped in history and mythology, Persia is the jewel of the middle east. Although there is widespread poverty, the country is known for its beautiful artwork and exquisite craftsmanship in wood, clay and stone.

HRKR or The Holy Republic of Kieven-Rus (equiv. Russia)
Capital: Alexigrad
Religion: Orthodox Kiev Christianity
Main Economy: Industrial machinery, scientific research

The largest country in the world, a world leader in Science and Art, although with the focus being in the west- further east the people become more disparate with their own customs and laws. The state religion, Orthodox Kiev Christianity, is separate from The Lutheran Church of Europe, although they are quite similar in practice and belief.
The Capital is named after the last Tsar of Russia, Alexie Nikolaevich Romanov, who deconstructed imperial rule of Kieven-Rus before his death in 1925 at the age of 21.

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