Saturday 1 November 2008

Day 1

It has been an interesting and slow start today.
I woke up late with a pounding headache thanks to over-drinking and under-eating at Halloween the other day (I dressed as a cenobite and won the costume competition!) and felt very sorry for myself. I decided to make a cup of tea, take a paracetamol and spend the day planning my novel properly.
I only came up with this idea on Thursday, despite temptations to use other pre-written bits of books, and so I haven't really got my head round it yet.

I have just returned home from the Markeaton Park Firework/Bonfire celebrations, which were quite fun except that I lost my keys. I spent ages retracing my steps and reported them lost, only to succeed in my last ditch effort: asking the people at the nearby food caravan if they'd seen any keys. Bless their hearts because they had, and I skipped off merry and bright to pick up my lovely ladyfriend from her work.

We got chips, and I am now poised to deliver to you the first part of this mythology...

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